Ten things we can take away from this data map of county-by-county MLB fan affiliations compiled using Facebook information:
1. If you don’t have a major league team in your general vicinity, you are probably a Yankees fan.
2. If you live in South Florida, there is a good chance that you root for the Yankees over the Marlins.
3. If you are a White Sox fan, you probably live in the Chicago metro area.
4. If you are a Mets fan, you probably live in the New York metro area.
5. If you are a Blue Jays fan, you probably live in Canada.
6. If you live in the South, you are probably a Braves fan.
7. California is all about the Giants and the Dodgers, sorry Angels and Padres.
8. If you don’t care about baseball at all, move to Southeastern Montana or Central Nebraska and you will fit in nicely.
9. Hawaii loves the Yankees.
10. People in Alaska watch baseball.
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