Sometimes, especially in the MLB, things just don’t go according to plan. Teams make moves acquiring players in a trade, or a player decides that, yes indeed, the grass is greener on the other side and he makes a move. Here are players who find themselves listed as a biggest bust of the 2016 baseball season and wish now that they could hit the reset button and start all over again.
More so than all other professional sports, the MLB is accented as a game of failure. A team that qualifies for a playoff spot with 90 wins still loses more than 70 times they take the field. A pitcher who loses 13 games is still credited with having a “decent year” when he wins 16 games. And hitters who are enshrined in the Baseball Hall Of Fame failed seven out of ten times they came to the plate.
Generally, we have come to accept all of that as merely a part of the game. And some would even say it’s part of the lure of the game. But what happens when expectations don’t meet what is actually delivered on the field, and performance falls under the line of the player’s past history. How do we explain that?
Or to put it another way, what happens when a “A” student gets a “C” on a test, or even worse fails the test? Are you slipping, what happened to you, didn’t you study, is this going to continue? These are just a few of the questions that parents and others will be asking of this student who may have simply had a bad day. Or, maybe not. Time will tell.
Following are five players who failed miserably this year. And in fact they failed so badly that they qualify for the biggest busts of the 2016 season. In no particular order, let’s get started……..