With the first televised game less than a week away, you can reacquaint yourself with spring cliches and understand the decisions the Philadelphia Phillies will make before Opening Day.
Paradoxes in March:
At times, a duality can appear contradictory but only confuse the onlooker.
In Philly, baseball talk has started on the radio with the usual comments: One caller pointed out that outfielder Roman Quinn could win a job with a huge spring. But the host reminded him that numbers are meaningless in exhibition contests. For instance, if you’re Clay Buchholz with a $13.5 million contract or Jerad Eickhoff, you’re working on location, building arm strength, and preparing yourself for six months of competition. Of course, Eickhoff was the first young starter to cement his role last September, but Aaron Nola and Vince Velasquez could accomplish the same status by July.
Because of Quinn’s last two years – the host noted – general manager Matt Klentak can’t depend on the outfielder because he’s spent significant time on the disabled list. So, the GM acquired Howie Kendrick and Michael Saunders to patrol the outfield corners until the All-Star break. But – another caller asked – if Quinn remains healthy through mid-season and is hitting Triple-A pitching, will he receive a call-up? No. He must wait for an opening if Kendrick and Saunders are injury-free, but the trade deadline will probably solve that potential bottleneck.
Except for baseball, sayings mostly have one meaning. For example, Grapefruit League stats are meaningless, which is not always true. Keep in mind, catchers Jorge Alfaro and Andrew Knapp are competitors for the spot behind Cameron Rupp, and their spring will decide their fate.
"IN OTHER WORDS: “The last two times I went to spring training, I had to win a job, and if I didn’t get off to a blazing start, I’m on the bench. Now, I’ve proven myself, so it’s not essential that I get off to a real good start.” – Eric Davis"