Two prospect-laden teams clashed in level high-A in minor league baseball this weekend. Who prevailed?
Our MLB coverage at Call To The Pen is fairly well-balanced, but in an effort to give you better breadth and depth of coverage of minor league baseball, we will begin a number of weekly posts.
The first will examine the big news items along with the top performers in the minor leagues each Monday. Tuesday will bring a review of the weekend highlight series. Wednesday will bring draft news and college baseball news until that is complete. Thursday will preview the weekend series of note in minor league baseball to watch. Friday will feature a new series, “The Video Room”, where CTTP contributor Benjamin Chase will examine one game from the week from a scouting perspective and break down the game.
Scouting Reports will be scattered throughout the week and weekends as well, so keep on the lookout for those as well. As always, if there is anything you would like to see covered more thoroughly here at CTTP, let us know in the comments section below!
Let’s get started with our first highlight series, this past weekend’s series between the Florida Fire Frogs and the Daytona Tortugas in the Florida State League, one of the top talent series in minor league baseball.
Next: Florida and Daytona Breakdowns