After Further Review: The Ten Best Videos of Baseball’s Opening Week

You’re probably not a Yankee fan, so this will be helpful this season. Five bucks will get you a goat, here is a useful link to Goat World.

How to Put a Curse on the Yankees
Uploaded by Howcast.

Markus Bracey knows that outs are in.

Seriously Mark Buehrle?  Yeh, I know you saw it.  Just watch it again, you know you want to.

Welcome to the bigs kid.

Garrett Jones had three homeruns in his first two games.

Bryce Harper keeps raking. With a freaking wooden bat.  He now has 13HRs.

WTF Sammy Gervacio? One messed up motion + nine pitches + two hits + two runs = 15 day DL  [another closeup video of the most messed up motion since Luis Tiant is here]

How does an American President not know how to throw a baseball? The Nats Adam Dunn wasn’t happy with the Sox hat either.

Catch yourself some meat!? Sorta applies to both of these videos.


Ryan Frankllin better grow something to fit in that company.

Got a video I need to see?  Send me an email at  maybe it will be in our next list.