Stay Tuned for Roster Moves

Covering transactions and moves has been a work in progress for the two months that this site has been in existence. Initially, Jordan, Nathaniel, and myself made a run at covering each transaction as it happened.  We quickly learned that this was less than ideal and coordinating schedules and responsibilities proved to be more cumbersome.  […]

Our Plan B was to have Jordan cover transactions in a weekly column to be posted on Sundays.  After four weeks of Plan B, it became obvious to me that it was working much better than Plan A, but it was still less than ideal.  There was still a fair amount of maintenance to make sure we touched on all the moves of the previous week.  Further, the long delay from the time a move was made to the time we covered it just hasn’t been sitting right with me the last couple of weeks.

That brings us to Plan C.  Starting tomorrow, Roster Moves will be published Monday through Friday and will recap the transactions that happened around baseball the previous day.  My weekends are primarily reserved for family time so moves made on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be covered in the Monday version.

I believe this will get us to a happy medium between our two previous methods of covering transactions and it should have a few additional benefits.  The primary benefit of this change is that Jordan will be freed up to write a weekly column on a topic that he has a vested interest in.  His topic of choice is rumors, which coupled with John Parent’s What’s Next column, will provide more thorough coverage of this broad area of baseball news.  One of several secondary benefits is that I will be able to expand our coverage to go beyond the basic transactions.  So, Roster Moves will include players going on and coming off the DL as well as players being shuttled between the minor and majors leagues.

My depth of coverage will be dependent on two key factors, the quantity of moves made during the previous day and the amount of time I have available for writing each “edition.”  Time permitting some of them may wind up being quite long, especially since I tend to be a bit verbose, but if I am crunched for time they may wind up appearing in bullet point form.

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