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Wrist Could Force Morneau to DL


Just as the Twins are closing in on adding one former MVP, the team appears set to lose another.

Joe Christensen of the Minneapolis Star Tribune is reporting first baseman Justin Morneau could be headed to the disabled list.

Morneau’s left wrist has sidelined the slugger since June 9th.  Minnesota hoped a cortisone shot would do the trick, but it hasn’t.  The next step was a trip to a hand specialist and the team is still waiting to hear the results from the visit.

The Twins will have to make a DL decision in the next few days.

"“If it’s the right thing to do, it’s the right thing to do,” Morneau said. “No matter what, I want to play. If it comes to the point where I’m not doing myself any good, or the team any good, going out there with one hand. … Pain’s one thing, but being in pain and being — I wouldn’t say useless, but not very good — I don’t think I’m doing myself or the team any good.”"

On the year, Morneau’s produced a line of .225/.281/.338, far off his career marks.  After rebounding a bit in May, the slugger has taken a nosedive in June.  He only has 2 hits in 27 at bats so far this month.

Michael Cuddyer and Luke Hughes have filled in for Morneau this season and would likely share time at first in his absence.