John Danks John Danks

White Sox Starter Danks Hits DL with Oblique Strain


A day after leaving his start in the 2nd inning, John Danks is heading to White Sox disabled list.  Danks strained his right oblique muscle, and even though he says he’s feeling better today, the team has decided to give him some time on the DL to recover.

"“I’m going to work hard and try to get back as soon as possible. I hate having to miss a start if I don’t have to, but it’s worth missing a start to not miss the rest of the season. We are going to be smart with it,” Danks said."

The left hander has progressed a lot since he was removed yesterday, so the team is hoping he will be back in the minimum 15 days.

"“Yesterday, I could hardly walk, it seems like. It’s a good sign,” Danks said. “[White Sox head athletic trainer] Hermie [Schneider] seems pretty optimistic and I just have to trust him on this one. This is new to me.“There are still things I do that bother me and don’t feel good. But like I said, yesterday, I could hardly walk. Today, I feel like I could maybe even do a light jog. I don’t know. I haven’t tried and I don’t plan on trying that today. I definitely feel a lot better today than I did yesterday.”"

This will mark Danks first trip to the disabled list with the Sox.  The 26 year old has averaged over 30 starts per year over his 4 seasons with Chicago.

He started the year with fairly Danks-like numbers, but experienced an awful month of May.  Over 5 starts last month, Danks was shelled for an ERA of 6.89.  Batters hit .328 off of him and Danks was only able to strike out 10 batters combined in his 5 starts.

Danks has recovered nicely of late.  Before Saturday, he had logged 7 or more innings in 4 of his 5 previous starts.  Over his last three he only allowed 3 earned runs in 22 innings with 17 strike outs and 3 walks.  Danks takes an ERA of 4.21 with him to the DL.