As he’s done several times this offseason, veteran free agent As he’s done several times this offseason, veteran free agent

Johnny Damon Rumors: Damon Still Waiting for Right Offer


As he’s done several times this offseason, veteran free agent Johnny Damon spoke with national reporters yesterday regarding his future.  Damon told Casey Stern and Jim Bowden of MLB Network Radio that the largest thing holding him up from signing a new contract has been his desire to wait for the right situation to develop.  Earlier in the offseason Damon was tied to the Baltimore Orioles and New York Yankees; in yesterday’s interview the 38-year-old was asked about his interest in joining the Detroit Tigers.

While speaking with Stern and Bowden, Damon made it sound as if teams are currently pursuing him to play a backup role.  Damon said he could sign on with such a team, but what if there’s an injury that takes place later in the spring that would have opened up a starting gig for him?  It is for this reason Damon continues holding out hope that the right situation will eventually develop.

This late in his career, Damon has said that money isn’t the largest issue he’s facing.  Instead, Damon is interested in joining a contender and filling an everyday role.

So far this offseason, Damon has been tied to the Orioles and Yankees.  Baltimore decided to sign Wilson Betemit as their primary designated hitter, while New York inked fellow veteran Raul Ibanez.

Now, the only club that seems to have an everyday role potentially available to Damon is the Tigers.  Victor Martinez, Detroit’s primary DH from 2011, was lost to injury for all of next season.  While the club did sign Prince Fielder, he will takeover first with Miguel Cabrera moving over and manning the hot corner, leaving the DH role open.

Detroit could decide to fill the role internally and may not be interested in Damon.  However, it does appear that the Tigers could offer Damon exactly the situation he would like to be in.

For more on the Tigers, be sure to check out Motor City Bengals.

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