In Search of a New Editor and Perhaps Some More Staff

In two months Seedlings to Stars will celebrate it’s first birthday and all in all I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how things have gone since our launch. Unfortunately one of the driving forces of the site since last May won’t be around when S2S turns 1. That’s because Senior Editor Nathaniel Stoltz notified me that he was stepping away from S2S, and FanSided as a whole, over the weekend.

Given that we’ve become good friends in the 2+ years he’s been with the network, his decision did not come as a complete surprise to me but that doesn’t change the fact that we now have a massive hole in our ranks. I personally would love to take over the reins but my work and family life as well as my leadership role with FanSided don’t afford me nearly enough writing time to publish on a regular and consistent basis and I don’t anticipate that changing anytime soon.

That means we have to look elsewhere to find a new lead voice for the site. Since our site has built up a fairly solid regular reader base I thought it would only be prudent to announce our opening in this format in addition to some other avenues we are exploring to fill the position.

If you think you may be interested in applying we are looking for someone that has a wide-spread working knowledge of the minor leagues, it’s players and teams. Beyond that we need someone who is capable of evaluating players with either a sabermetric or scouting slant though someone with a background in both would be wonderful. Obviously given the content focus of our site, being able to cover draft prospects, work on mocks and write about the draft as a whole would also be an asset though not necessary since we have staff writers capable of focusing on that aspect of our coverage. Previous experience writing about baseball and the minors – either online or in print – is preferred but not a requirement.

Editors that are a part of FanSided MLB are expected to:

  • Publish no fewer than 30 articles per month with daily content the primary goal.
  • Communicate with S2S staff and network leadership effectively and work to promote a positive environment.
  • Be willing to work with social media platforms to grow and expand the S2S name/brand as well as maintain a presence in places like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Participate in any collaborative projects put forth by the FanSided MLB team and also be open and receptive to collaboration and networking opportunities with other like-minded sites outside of the network.

I know it seems like a demanding role and honestly being an editor on our network is a lot of work. It’s certainly not for everyone. However those writers willing and able to put in the time and meet our expectations are eligible for monthly revenue sharing payments (think pizza and beer money) and will also be quickly embraced by the rest of our MLB writers. It’s cliche to say but we work hard to promote a family atmosphere where ideas can be freely exchanged and we have an excellent support structure in place to help in both an editorial and technical capacity.

If you’re interested in writing for Seedlings to Stars but aren’t looking to take on the large and demanding role of Editor, feel free to apply for a Staff Writer position. Online writing experience is not required and while some of the expectations are the same as the above, the position is only required to publish 1-2+ articles/week with an ideal target of around 8 articles/month.

If you are interested in either role or if you’d like to discuss one or both of the positions more at length, I encourage you to follow this link and fill out our network’s online application.


You can follow us on Twitter @Seedlings2Stars and yours truly @thebaseballfish. You can also keep up to date with all things S2S by liking our Facebook page.