Michael S. Schmidt of the New York Times is reporting that Major League Baseball has discovered evidence that an associate (unsure if its an agent, friend, attorney, etc.) of Alex Rodriguez arranged to purchase documents from Biogenesis. Presumably under the direction of Rodriguez.
As you will remember, back in January, a report surfaced linking several prominent MLB players to the Miami clinic to purchase several different kinds of banned performance enhancing drugs. Names that included Nelson Cruz, Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez. There are conflicting report as to whether or not Rodriguez has actually purchased the documents or if he just attempted to. There is also conflicting reports on if there is any physical evidence as well. The report stated that essentially what happened is a former Biogenesis employee contacted the players mentioned in the report along with various media outlets and MLB trying to solicit bids to “sell” the documents. Supposedly, Rodriguez “won” the auction of the documents.
Just last night, a report surfaced that Major League Baseball was attempting to secure the same documents from former Biogenesis employees. Rodriguez, of course, has denied all of this. I’m sure we will hear a lot more about this in the coming days and weeks. At this point, nothing Alex Rodriguez does or will do would shock me. He has become a walking pariah around baseball and the sports world.