There are countless reasons why this site exists and why we constantly try to work harder with the goal to reach a wide audience of baseball fans each day, offering up as much news and subjective analysis as we can possible manage. One of the main reason we do this is to reach you guys, our readers.
It’s time we give you a chance to reach us, as well. Well, a better chance, at least.
Beginning next week and continuing weekly from there, we’re going to start putting together a midweek mailbag feature here on site. Each Wednesday we’ll take a look at some questions, thoughts, trade proposals, and comments that you guys – our readers – submit because you want some insight or are simply curious to read our answers. Most will likely be answered by the site’s editorial team, but we might work in a chance for the staff to help address some as well. This is your chance to ask away as anything baseball related is fair game.
There are multiple ways you can submit a question:
- Email us. That’s the most direct way, I promise. Simply send a note to
- Leave us a message at our Facebook page.
- You’re also welcome to DM us on Twitter.
Send in those questions and stay tuned, we’ll have some answers for you come next Wednesday!