Sometimes it’s best not to meet your heroes. Others, a meeting could be even more empowering. For those that thought of former Red Sox ace Curt Schilling as a hero, the years since he has retired have had to be a bit mind-numbing.
Curt Schilling has been in the news in the past for saying dumb things. From his stance on transgendered people to comparing Muslims to Nazi Germany, it seems as though each time Schilling is in the news he’s doing the opposite of saving puppies.
To his credit, this time around he was tasked with defending something Donald Trump said, which is no easy task, and by comparison to his previous remarks made of his own volition, these ones are a little more special given the circumstances.
Curt Schilling was asked onto Fox Business to discuss some of the “locker room talk” Trump has used, and being a former athlete coming onto a traditionally more conservative television station, this one should have been in the bag. Well, Schilling went all bloody sock and pulled out his A-game.
Now I’m not a fashion connoisseur, and apparently neither is Mr. Schilling, who wore a hat and a football jersey for his appearance. Nothing screams credibility like a man in a jersey.
The anchor that Schilling is conducting the interview with is Trish Regan, who claims to be an “Independent” during the interview, while following that up with “I don’t like taxes” to smooth over the fact that she may think differently than her guest.
Regan starts off the conversation with Mr. Schilling, “Tell me your thoughts on what you heard on that tape, because you’re someone that has spent a lot of time in locker rooms. You know what locker room talk is. What was your reaction when you heard that?”
Schilling spoke from the heart with his response. “The conversation that you’re having about the things he said about the 10-year-old girl, to me is at the very heart of why this is a problem.” Not a bad start. You may not agree with the direction that he’s headed in with your own beliefs, but a coherent thought appears to be coming for a legitimate debate. Not exactly.
Schilling continued, “How many times, and I have three boys and a daughter (relevance?), how many times have you looked at a young man and said ‘wow. He’s gonna be–he’s a beautiful young man. Wow. He’s a gorgeous young man.’?” By this point Trish Regan’s expression tells the story. She went from a playful mood where she was trying to make the guest feel at home to cutting him off, deadpan, and saying “I’ll be honest, Curt. Zero.”
That could have been the end of the interview. Case closed. But that’s not how Curt Schilling rolls. Instead, he immediately reacts with, “Now that’s a lie. There’s no way you haven’t seen somebody else’s son and not said, ‘Wow he’s beautiful.'” Again Miss Regan rebuts this claim, and Schilling accuses her of thinking that he means molestation, like he’s some sort of crazy person.
The words “I think it says more about you than it says about [Trump].” sums up perfectly the fanaticism that Donald Trump has brought to this political race. His supporters are willing to defend him to the ends of the earth, no matter what was said. And if you haven’t heard the remarks that Schilling was brought on to defend, he said in a 1992 taping of a Christmas special that he would be dating one of the ten year old girls in attendance. After asking one of the young women if she was going to be going up the escalator, he turned to the camera and says, “I am going to be dating her in ten years. Can you believe it?” Obviously these comments don’t paint Mr. Trump in a positive light, regardless of what locker room (or Christmas special) they were said in.
Next: Top Comebacks in Baseball History
For some of the video from Curt Schilling’s appearance, the video is below.