The Cleveland Indians put up one heck of a fight in the World Series, down two of their best starting pitchers and using their solid relief corps to get them to within a game of clinching their first World Series title since 1948. In the end the best team in baseball all year proved that they weren’t afraid of no goat.
After the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA Title to break the city’s title drought, fans were riding high. One fan in particular took to the skies like Icarus, and did more than pin a tweet predicting an Indians victory.
Literally the tweet before Mike sent this one out said that if he got one retweet he would go streaking and steal pizzas from Dominos, so maybe this fella isn’t great at making decisions. Earlier in the week he was scamming Taco Bell out of free tacos.
Social media picked up on the tattoo, and many other Cavs/Cleveland related themes and went to work.
Now he’s made it.
Of course there were also a ton of references to Cleveland being the ones up 3-1 and potentially on the verge of blowing that lead, much like the Warriors did against the Cavs. Well, one outspoken Warrior was quick to jump on this bandwagon.
The last three tweets have less to do with the tattoo itself and more to do with Twitter being on fire last night, but you get the idea.
As for the tattoo itself, it’s actually kinda cool (minus the Cleveland logo being offensive to an entire group of people), and shows a level of dedication that I’m not even sure I have. That’s the high road at least. The low road is that it was a boneheaded decision and tattoos are permanent. Like super permanent.
Next: 5 Teams to Come Back From 3-1 Down
The hope for Mike right now is that the Cleveland Indians win a World Series in the next few years some that he and just add that year to the artwork on his arm. See, we’re all about offering solutions here.