We are at the beginning of June and the dog days of summer are fast-approaching. The scorching hot night games and countless rain delays are already peaking their heads out and as baseball fans, we secretly love it.
The season has posed lots of surprises thus far. The division leaders are not who we thought they’d be at this point in the season. Yes, there are some obvious division leaders such as the Washington Nationals. And even though they’re struggling, we expected the Chicago Cubs to be leading the NL Central.
We just didn’t expect them to be tied with the Milwaukee Brewers.
But isn’t that what makes baseball so much fun? In the other big American sports you can typically have a good idea who will be competing each and every year before the season even starts. Yet with baseball, there is always going to be a surprising team; there will always be an underdog. Sometimes the underdog even wins!
The majority of the division leaders have seriously come out of left field. We’re past the quarter mark of the season so this is a good time to take a look at those teams leading their divisions and how they stack up against each other.