One of the great parts about delving into baseball history involves seeing the interesting statistics generated over the years. Let us look at some of those statistical quirks from the past.
Digging into websites like BaseballReference.com, or going over any site that contains a myriad of statistics from baseball history can lead into quite the rabbit hole. Looking up one player can lead to an interesting note about another player, and then another. The next thing you know, you have spent hours on the site, and find yourself reading about the history of the 1884 Providence Grays. Okay, maybe that last part is specific to me, but the point remains.
In delving through those players, every so often there is a statistic that captures the attention. From notable seasons such as Fred Dunlap‘s impressive 1884 campaign to Nolan Ryan‘s incredible strikeout totals, there are so many performances that can amaze.
Then, there are other performances that are noteworthy for other reasons. These are interesting statistical quirks, those accomplishments which are somewhat peculiar and difficult to accomplish. In some cases, these statistical accomplishments require explanation, as they are seemingly impossible. Other times, it is just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
Let us take a look through baseball history and remember some of those fun statistical oddities from the past.