It is that time of year where we get to sit back and enjoy the holidays with friends and family. What better way to do so than to go back through baseball history and determine the All Christmas Team?
The holidays can be a fun time. We get to visit with family and friends, enjoying the season with our loved ones. Of course, there are those family members that we all want to avoid, from the creepy uncle to the overbearing aunt, or that sibling who has been unable to get their life together, but still feels the need to criticize everyone else. Those people are why there are so many seasonal beers, helping us take the edge off those encounters.
Of course, it is a time to try to hide oneself away and avoid those people as well. We have a long weekend, and maybe, after spending the past couple of days around others, we need a break. If so, then it is the perfect time to take a look through baseball history, and find those players who best personify the season with the All Christmas Team.
In this case, the players selected were picked by their names, not for their accomplishments on the field. Each player has a specific tie in to the season, and the festivities thereof. Some players may be a bit more of a stretch than others, but there will be explanations if need be.
So, let us take a look through baseball history, and enjoy the All Christmas Team.