New York Yankees: Giancarlo Stanton, Reggie Jackson measuring stick

(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
(Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) /
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MIAMI, FL – SEPTEMBER 20: Giancarlo Stanton /

Ruth, Jackson, Stanton…and Judge

The hope, for the Yankees, is that his new closed stance will keep the home runs coming at a Ruthian pace. Stanton hit 59 last season at the age of 27. Ruth hit the same number in 1921 at the age of 26.

They hope his power will add to an already imposing line-up, turning their offense from a cudgel to a bludgeon. And the Yankees hope for at least the same return on investment or even a 90’s-esque one in their wildest dreams.

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While down in Tampa, I performed an informal survey asking if the fans assembled thought Stanton would have the same impact, a greater, or lesser one, as Reggie. No one took the under. Each man and woman felt the team could expect at least the same results, if not better.

If truth serum were applied, I have to think Yankees executives would give the same answer. Stanton might, as well. If all his hopes and dreams come true in pinstripes, he might even tell us someday.


Until then, it is wise to remember that perspective is a funny old thing. I keep reading that the Mets have won their off-season. Making that statement requires a shift in expectations from just a year ago, or at least a redefining of the word, winning. But, still, it is true from a certain point of view.

This article, as well, is only looking at the acquisition of Stanton through one narrow viewpoint.

But I do think the comparison of times and teams is fair. And even the revered Ken Singleton has suggested the Yankees might be on the precipice of a new dynasty with Stanton now in place, as he told Justin Terranova and the NY Post:

"Adding the reigning National League MVP has pushed the Yankees from contender to American League co-favorite (with the Astros)… Singleton also sees the similarities between these Yankees and the group Joe Torre inherited in 1996. “The Yankees sense they have the type of team now that was like the late ’90s,” Singleton said. “They have a sense they have this kind of ballclub again, and if everything goes right, they can challenge for a title every year.”"

If Giancarlo Stanton leads the New York Yankees in home runs this year, if he hits them at Fenway and Camden Yards with great frequency, and comes through in the playoffs especially on the road, he will become the new Reggie Jackson, the final dynamic piece of a championship puzzle.

Well, I’ll think of him that way, even if no one else does.

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It’s doubtful he gets a candy bar named after him, though, as the times have a-changed so much. But maybe he and Judge can re-start the whole bell bottom thing. Again, inexplicable.