Chicago White Sox prospect Jake Burger optimistic after suffering injury


Chicago White Sox 2017 first-round pick Jake Burger is carted off after suffering a leg injury running out a ground ball. However, as always, he remains upbeat and optimistic.

Chicago White Sox 2017 first-round pick, Jake Burger, is known for his thunderous bat and Gold Glove, but his heart and hustle are intangibles you can’t see on the stat sheet. Unfortunately, such mentality led to near disaster, as Burger attempted to leg out a ground ball in an early Spring training game this afternoon.

While about 60 feet up the first baseline, Burger fell to the ground, grabbing his left leg in severe pain. The good news is he was able to stand up, and immobilization was not needed, but the beefy Burger was unable to put any weight on his injured leg. It’s unknown how much time he’ll miss, but from initial impressions, it does not look good — according to initial reports by Daryl Van Schouwen of the Chicago Sun-Times.

It’s unfortunate since Burger’s been killing it thus far at Camel Back Ranch in Glendale, Arizona — showing off his power, his wheels, and charisma.

Naturally, after legging out a hard-earned triple, the Burger puns flooded social media, with my favorite being “a triple Burger with cheese.” Like his fans, Burger enjoys interacting and having a good time — with this priceless moment.

Last season, in a midweek home game against Mizzou, Burger’s teammate and close friend Aaron Meyer went down with a season-ending injury. Instead of moping on the sidelines, Meyer displayed true leadership and character, turning into a coach of sorts, leading the Bears to a Regional championship over Arkansas and trip to the Super Regionals.

At the time, Burger was willing to make the switch from the hot corner to second base, showing his team-first attitude.Expect Burger to display the same sort of mentality and class while he’s out of action himself.

It’s no secret the Chicago White Sox are in full rebuild mode, with Jake Burger a crucial part of their long-term plans. However, Spring training is off to a horrendous start, with three of their top young players going down with an array of injuries.

However, Burger can stay optimistic, with love and support from those closest to him. Former teammate and San Diego Padres prospect Justin Paulsen reached out to his long-time high school friend and college teammate.

As a media member and season ticket holder for the Missouri State Bears, I saw nearly every single one of Burger’s collegiate games, with seats along the third base line. Burger is the real deal, not just on the diamond, but off of it. Whether his team wins or loses, he’s always the first to man up and talk to media and do so graciously — Cam Newton and Lebron James should take notes.

Next: Sox first-round pick Jake Burger is something truly special

Rest well, Jake, and we cannot wait for you to return to action soon. The game of baseball is better with you playing, but we know your impact will remain even on the sidelines — for the time being.