With the 2018 MLB season just days away, and your Fantasy Baseball baseball draft approaching; stay away from these MLB duds.
Are you ready for a fresh start after your beloved MLB team broke your heart last season? Did your Fantasy Baseball add salt to the wound, leaving a sting in that very gaping hole?
Or, did you kick butt and take names, bringing home the Fantasy Baseball trophy, raising it high in celebration?No matter what your 2018 draft situation is; beginning from ground zero or looking to add to an already stout squad in your keeper league elite, we’ve got your back.
We’ve already given you a taste of our sleepers from both the National League and American, but it’s as important (if not more) to know which players to avoid while drafting.
It’s easy to go after that big, sexy name, but often, such player is washed up or even overrated for Fantasy Baseball purposes. You want to stay away from fools gold in your 2018 Fantasy Baseball draft.
Now, if you’ve already completed your Fantasy Baseball draft, this applies to you as well. You might be able to spin fools gold into something of actual value. However, that means you’ll have to prevent your competition from seeing this very wealth of information.
Without further ado, here are your 2018 Fantasy Baseball duds. Stay away from these wannabees in your draft, or you’ll be sorry.