Players celebrate 2018 MLB Players’ Weekend on Aug 24-26. The Milwaukee Brewers came up with some good and some boring nicknames to wear on their backs this season.
Some Milwaukee Brewers seem to put more time into this than others. Many of the Brewers just threw the “y” sound at the end of their natural names. This is not very creative or fan-friendly.
One would think that someone in the Milwaukee Brewers organization could give them help with this, but maybe some of these guys just do not want anything flashy.
Other players use nicknames that fans or teammates have given them. A few players change their names from year-to-year, while others keep the same name.
The best nicknames are fun to say, creative, and work with the player they represent. It also does not hurt if they have a story behind them.
That being said, here is a ranked list and explanation of the Milwaukee Brewers 2018 Players’ Weekend jersey nicknames from worst to first.
32. “Yeli” – Christian Yelich
"“Yeli” makes me want to say “yuck.”"
Christian Yelich chose to add an “I” instead of a “y” to the end of his name. Whether this was done to seem unique and cool or just because his last name actually has an “I” in it, it is a weak decision.
Usually, adding an “I” at the end of a name distinguish it from male and female. For instance, “Danny” is usually short for a man named Daniel and “Dani” is short for a woman named Danielle.
Jelly-Belly is a famous jelly bean company with a big distribution center in Wisconsin. These candies are prominently featured at the Wisconsin State Fair. Perhaps, Mr. Yeli could have rhymed his name using this Wisconsin themed treasure.
Who knows. All I know is that “Yeli” alone is lazy and boring.
31. “Stricken” – Josh Hader
"“Stricken” sounds more like the name of a bad hair metal band from the Eighties."
Shouldn’t Josh Hader be the Strike-“r” not the Strick-“en”? I don’t know. Needless to say, Josh Hader’s nickname is low on the Brewers nickname list.
Last season, Hader used the nickname “Haderade.” Haderade, an obvious play on Gatorade with the whole Hader/Hater thing going on was a great nickname. Unfortunately, Hader uses it as his Twitter handle.
After the young lefty got in trouble during the All-Star break for controversial tweets, Hader either decided himself or got the intelligent advice from Brewers personnel to change his nickname this season.
However, “Stricken” sounds stupid. Apparently, it is the name of some company Hader is trying to build. I would not take issue with that so much if it was not for how stupid the name is for him as a player.
What is it supposed to mean? It does not sound very intimidating. Stricken sounds more negative for the one wearing it than the one feeling its wrath.