In the MLB Hot Stove season, some teams get busy right away, but others seem like they don’t even know they can do anything.
For fans who pay attention in the regular season and the MLB Hot Stove season, those static teams can be infuriating.
In some cases, the teams have actual holes to fill and as complete teams make notable moves, those holes just get deeper. As notable players get picked off the board, those empty holes seem to get deeper Opening Day gets close.
Despite the 2018-19 Hot Stove season moving faster than the 2017-18 season, a handful of teams are moving like snails. And, some have opportunities that they shouldn’t pass up, but are. Of course, we aren’t in their front offices, and we don’t have access to the purse strings. But, what we do have is the fan’s perspective and the desire to watch a competitive season of baseball – from start to finish.
There are clearly teams that will not do much in the off-season. Teams in the midst of rebuilds, like the Orioles, Rangers, and Marlins might make a few moves to acquire players that will probably be traded later. But, there are several teams that have opportunities to be extremely competitive, and they aren’t doing much to get any better. As fans, the lackadaisical attitude of front offices at a time when the free agent class is one of the best in the history of the game is frustrating.
Let’s take a look at the teams that have done little to nothing or have opportunities to be amazing and aren’t taking them.