Some Sort of Job For David Wright
David Wright means a lot to Mets fans, as was made apparent in late September when Citi Field filled to the brim as the Mets faithful paid tribute to the Captain during his final game. The fact that nobody really turned on Wright during his injury plagued career in the way that New York fans are known to do is pretty remarkable, and another example of how he was truly beloved.
It would be a shame to let that go. Wright’s body is not in a state where he can play anymore but he still has a great baseball mind, and has shown a desire to continue working with the team in the future. The fact that he was invited to join Mets executives at this years winter meetings is a good sign on this front, and fans will be watching closely to see how his involvement evolves over the next few years.
Because Wright is so respected in the baseball community there is also the possibility that another team might try to snatch him up if the Mets aren’t proactive, though it certainly seems like the Mets are his first choice as they’re the only team he’s ever played for. Still, they should be mindful of the possibility because it would be pretty heartbreaking to see Wright working for another team.