The deals awaiting the Phillies will require more than outbidding other franchises for the best pitchers available, but general manager Matt Klentak is at the point where moving some players will free up financial resources to plug those holes.
GM’s Preferences:
For some Philadelphia Phillies faithful, overspending is the answer to just keeping up for a wild-card shot or the National League East pennant. So, they exaggerate the strengths of their divisional foes and the Fightins’ shortcomings, but the oppositions’ supporters have the same mind-set. Can’t win for losing!
"IN OTHER WORDS: “It is difficult to spread the contagion of excitement without having a sense of purpose and direction.” – Daniel Goleman"
Can you find the common denominator between the red pinstripes, New York Yankees, Washington Nationals, Toronto Blue Jays, Atlanta Braves and New York Mets? Answer: None of them handed out big contracts to more than one top-tier starter or fireman. They all added only one –one– piece.
While locals here are clamoring for another solid addition, Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs fans are bemoaning 2019’s disappointments and 2020’s salary-dumping plans. Yes, both organizations are now villains who make disbelieved excuses of fiscal responsibility and hear they don’t care about winning.
Even though the Phils had signed a frontline starter and a left-handed bat with power, some fans believe it was neither a complete effort nor fast enough. No, they want a southpaw rotation arm and two relievers. But who is available, and whom will no exec acquire until around the All-Star break?
Clubs who recently inked a top-dollar star with a multi-year pact aren’t swapping their closer or a starter unless their offseason pickup replaces a soon-to-be free agent. However, rebuilding teams will trade hurlers with multi-year control for a prospect haul, but they also have the luxury of waiting until July.
Salary-dump players have a downside for Klentak because they would result in exceeding the CBT (competitive-balance threshold). Therefore, don’t expect him to go the bad-contract route. But difference-makers are his targets: small ones now and major ones in July unless the higher-up lowers his AAV tally.
To decipher Klentak’s strategy, examine the order of his signings, the market, the competition, the Fightins’ expectations and realistic possibilities. Also, sober assessment means spending $118 million for five campaigns, not $324 million for nine summers. But the Yanks believe they are one ace away from dominance.