Similarities are coming into focus for 2020’s Phillies, and this includes management, a superstar, a missing piece, a rookie, plus the front office’s and the faithful’s expectations dashed during 2019.
Now and then:
If you anticipate success and discover weaknesses regarding the Philadelphia Phillies, you can foresee their mediocrity in the National League East but could experience pleasant surprises instead: life happens not because of you but despite you. A year late and millions short, no?
"IN OTHER WORDS: “The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.” – Mark Twain"
While many 162s fall into a half-dozen pigeonholes or so, the rarities stand out because they evoke indelible memories. Translation: 1980! Yes, these campaigns differ from the injury-plagued 2019s, the growth-spurting 2018s, the lean rebuilding seasons, and the contention-window summers to name a few.
To illustrate, Pete Rose had signed with the Fightins in 1979, and Bryce Harper joined the red pinstripes in 2019. So, fans had their towering hopes dimmed in both campaigns by not finishing in the money: win, place or show! Like now, the locals had their doubts about ’80 also.
Uniformed management changed after each 162 and introduced a new approach to a disappointing ’79 and an injury-riddled ’19. In 1980, Dallas Green had bellowed the “no I in team” mantra (the late Kobe Bryant did point out the me in the word). This time, it’s a mixture of analytics and old-school baseball.
In 1979 and 2019, fourth place was one parallel. Plus forecasts from national publications for 1980 and 2020 mirrored the previous season. Did these writers play it safe by labeling franchises with their prior finishes, or was minimal research involved?
The ’80 Phils received September contributions from right-hander Marty Bystrom because the rotation had sustained an injury: The rookie call-up’s best cluster of career outings. Yes, the ’20 Fightins also have a minor leaguer who could play a major role in September either as a starter or a reliever.
Although one big difference now is not just winning the NLCS to be in the World Series, the current format involves the Wild Card Game and the five-game NLDS to advance to the NLCS. Yes, the MLB wants obstacles for a wild-card victor to capture the Fall Classic, but a hot team at September’s end is formidable.