Atlanta Braves: The franchise all-time bracket

ATLANTA, GA - AUGUST 27: A detail view of the Atlanta Braves logo before the game against the Cleveland Indians at Turner Field on August 27, 2013. The Braves won 2-0. (Photo by Pouya Dianat/Atlanta Braves/Getty Images)
ATLANTA, GA - AUGUST 27: A detail view of the Atlanta Braves logo before the game against the Cleveland Indians at Turner Field on August 27, 2013. The Braves won 2-0. (Photo by Pouya Dianat/Atlanta Braves/Getty Images) /
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Atlanta Braves
(Photo by Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics, Getty Images) /

Atlanta Braves: The All-Time Bracket

No. 3 vs. 6 seed

The 1914 ‘Miracle’ Braves famously came from last place on the Fourth of July to win the pennant…and then swept the heavily favored Philadelphia Athletics in the World Series.

The roster is heavily populated with obscurities who somehow came together under the leadership of manager George Stallings to work their magic. For the record, right-handers Dick Rudolph and Bill James, both enjoying the best seasons of their lives, combined for a 52-17 record with ERAs under 2.50. They also covered 669 innings.

Still, the sum was greater than its parts. The Braves finished only third in the league in both runs per game and runs allowed per game; they were third in batting average, fifth in slugging and last in stolen bases. Yet it somehow worked.

The 2002 Braves won 101 games and took the NL East by 19 games only to be upset in five games by the Giants in the division round.

Glavine and Maddux combined for a 34-17 record, while Smoltz – consigned to closer duty – saved 55 games.

Chipper Jones hit. 327 with 26 homers and 100 RBIs and outfielder Gary Sheffield added 25 homers plus 84 RBIs on a .307 average. Andruw Jones delivered 35 home runs and 94 RBIs.

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Game 1: The 1914 team was 26-40 at mid-season before closing with 68 victories in the final 87 games for a ..614 percentage. But the 2002 team was handicapped by no such sluggish start; it finished 101-59, a .631 percentage.

Game 2: The 1914 Braves’ four-game World Series sweep obviously translates to a perfect 1.000 post-season record. For the record, the 2002 Braves played  .400 post-season ball.

Game 3: The Miracle Braves won despite a 92 OPS+. The 2002 team was only one point better…but that’s enough.

Game 4: In 1914 the Braves produced a 104 ERA+. The 2002 team was deeper, as its 133 ERA+ illustrates.

Game 5: The 1914 Braves generated 35.9 WAR. But in 2002, the Braves had a 46.0 WAR, topped by the Jones boys, Andruw at 6.5 and Chipper at 5.8.

Result: 2002 in five games