The lack of baseball this year hasn’t stopped people from trolling the Houston Astros. The latest has a beer company producing some brew at the expense of the trash can banging scandal.
If there is one positive for the Houston Astros since the shut down began, it is baseball fans are unable to ridicule them with insults over there trash can banging, cheating scandal, which led to a World Series title in 2017. Well, not entirely true. And baseball fans are just getting more creative in way of their insults, as a New Jersey-based beer company has crafted a new beer in the scandal’s honor.
Departed Soles Brewing Company has been in the business of brewing beer since 2015 and they may have hit the jackpot with baseball fans here. They have developed a new brew by the name of Trash Can Banger and the aluminum can resemble the wonderful rainbow uniforms the Astros wore in the late 70s and 80s.
Trash Can Banger beer?! Yes, it's real.
— Yahoo Sports MLB (@MLByahoosports) May 26, 2020
It's from @DepartedSoles. Tell the nearest Yankees or Dodgers fan.
I’m not sure the trolling of the Astros and their cheating ways will ever get old and now we can celebrate our disdain for the lack of respect treated towards baseball, by treating ourselves with a nice frothy IPA.
Getting drunk at the expense of the Astros is one way to cope with not having baseball, though regardless of how delicious the beer is, Yankees and Dodgers fans will still have the bitter taste of defeat in their mouths.
The bottom line is this beer company came up with a great gimmick to promote some suds while taking a shot at a baseball team who wronged the baseball team in their neck of the woods.
I applaud the group for their effort and their creativity and hope they do well with this business venture. Fans in opposing ballparks would have been frothing at the mouth to let the Astros players hear it when they came to town. This brew will have to suffice as a replacement for the short term, maybe even the long term.
To this, I say, “bottoms up!”