Whether it’s in the NFL, the NBA or even Tennis, some sort of controversy has transpired. Yet, when it comes to the MLB, it appears as though no sport has found itself in more headlines for shady reasons.
The phrase “I’m willing to do anything to win” takes on an entirely different meaning when it comes to them. With over 150 years of baseball to look back at, controversy and the MLB seemingly go hand in hand. Unlike most sports, where controversy is aligned with the field of play, in baseball, it occurs everywhere.
Simply put, to win a World Series, players, coaching staffs and even front office personnel are willing to do whatever it takes. In recent memory, the Houston Astros were picked apart for stealing signs. Although we’ll dive more into it later on, they were publicly castigated and torn to shreds at every turn. But, compared to the vast majority of controversies that are on this list, the Astros were simply a soft touch.
When it comes down to it, winning or losing a ball game wasn’t the only thing that these controversies revolve around. To get a better grip on how deep the cheating, lies and scandals go, we’ve decided to take a close look at every single instance that appeared controversial. Admittedly, not everyone on this list was found guilty by the MLB but public perception matters and in that case, they were all guilty as can be.
Whether it was comments or physical actions, we have it all covered here. So come on, let’s dive in.