Wackiest MLB trade stories in league history: 14. Field help for booth help
So far, we’ve listed several unconventional trades that seem unlikely and downright impossible. To continue in that same theme, let’s introduce you to Ernie Harwell.
For a number of years, Harrell was the voice of the Atlanta Crackers of the Independent Southern Association. Harrell continually punched in early for work and left the building late. In short, he was terrific at calling games. To his credit, the Crackers weren’t the only team that noticed his dedication and admired it.
In 1948, Red Barber, the iconic voice of the Brooklyn Dodgers, suddenly passed away due to a bleeding ulcer. The franchise wanted a strong and reliable voice to replace him. Who better than Harrell? The Crackers were willing to part ways with him but only under one condition, the Dodgers fork over catcher Cliff Dapper. In a matter of moments, the deal was consummated and both teams walked away from their bizarre trade as happy as can be.