Chicago Cubs pitcher Marcus Stroman has never been one to shy away from speaking his mind.
That also leads to some troubling paths. Such was the case when Stroman decided to like a tweet from Jason Whitlock defending anti-Semitic comments from Nets’ star Kyrie Irving.
Chicago Cubs pitcher Marcus Stroman sends out massive dog whistle
Liking that tweet was not enough for Stroman. Instead, he decided to double down with a series of tweets that clearly expressed his support for Irving’s comments and brought his own views into question as well.
Be conscious of the world and who is controlling the narrative.
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) October 30, 2022
Media controls the narrative. That’s it. Crazy to see people jump to conclusions off a generalized thought. Society believes any and everything media throws at them without factoring in their own thought process. Media controls all. It’s the truth!
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) October 30, 2022
The world will jump to formulate a false conclusion that draws controversy while having zero factual evidence.
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) October 30, 2022
Mainstream media will always control the narrative in society. People will continue to believe everything the media says without integrating any of their own ideas/thoughts into the picture. That’s the reason why society is fueled by hate and controversy!
— Marcus Stroman (@STR0) October 30, 2022
It is possible that Stroman can frame this as a matter of wanting to get both sides of the story, that he wants to hear from Irving himself as to his thoughts and reasons for retweeting and defending that controversial documentary. Irving did not exactly explain himself well during his press conference and Stroman could simply be attempting to say that no one should make a judgment without getting every detail. After all, we are not inside Irving’s mind.
But the wording is troubling. Complaining about the “mainstream media” and the people that control it is a dog whistle to anti-Semites. This is something that Stroman has to recognize as well, but it is something that he is attempting to distance himself from while defending his words. Even if he is claiming that he does not know who controls the media.
And that is the problem. Stroman is going to continue his persecution complex and make himself out to be the victim. He is going to proclaim that he did nothing wrong and is just trying to further the discussion. That in itself is part of the problem as some conversations, especially those supporting anti-Semitism, do not need to be furthered at all.
Chicago Cubs pitcher Marcus Stroman has made his support of Kyrie Irving quite clear. He is also sending out dog whistles of his own.