Miguel Tejada, a 16-year MLB veteran, has reportedly been detained in the Dominican Republic after a warrant was issued for his arrest for fraud on the complaint of issuing bad checks.
Images show the arrest of Miguel Tejada in the Dominican Republic
On Twitter, a photo shows Tejada being led away in handcuffs by authorities after being detained. The caption reads in English, “I do not think there is a need to handcuff Miguel Tejada (El Pelotero de la Patria) a man who does not endanger any of those who accompany him in his arrest, we cannot echo a situation, he has not killed anyone and much less will he run away.”
Yo no creo que exista necesidad de esposar a Miguel Tejada (El Pelotero de la Patria) un hombre que no pone en peligro a ninguno de los que lo acompañan en su detención, no nos podemos hacer eco de una situación, no ha matado a nadie y mucho menos va salir corriendo, (sigue) ✍🏻. pic.twitter.com/ejdP6VGEMX
— Tenchy Rodriguez (@TenchyRodNYC) November 18, 2022
As our friends at White Cleat Beat detailed here, this is not the first issue for Tejada, who was named as the 2002 American League MVP with the Oakland A’s. In that season, Tejada slashed .308/.354/.508 with 34 homers and 131 RBI. Tejada, among other things, has had issues with PEDs that led to the end of his playing career and also misrepresented his PED usage in testimony to Congress, leading to a one-year probation.
The check-writing scandal is the latest problem for Tejada, who was described by Rodriguez in a separate tweet as “someone who has given so much joy and pride to the Dominican Republic.”
Tejada played for seven different teams during his career, with his seven years in Oakland representing his longest stint with any franchise. He finished with 307 home runs and 1,302 RBI.
We will update this story with more information when it becomes available.