Michael Rodgers
Joined: Jan 23, 2012
Growing up, Michael began being sports obsessed at an early age. He attended his first college football game before his first birthday. Over time, Michael grew to love virtually all sports, including football, soccer, hockey, baseball, basketball, tennis, and golf. In the summer of 2008, Michael stumbled upon the Pirates fansite, Bucsdugout.com. Despite the constant and prolonged struggles of the Pirates, Michael had always been intrigued with the involved process of player development in baseball not really seen in other sports. Bucsdugout meshed with that intrigue and Michael has been hooked on baseball, especially the minor leagues and the MLB draft, since. In December of 2011, Michael decided to tryout blogging for himself and started a Pirates-centric website, Buried Treasure. You can read more of Michael's work at buriedtreasurepirates.blogspot.com. Michael can also be found on twitter @CutchistheTruth or you can email him at McCutchenistheTruth@gmail.com