
Michael Engel

I'm a KU grad and longtime Royals fan who shudders at the names Ricky Bottalico, Kerry Robinson, and others too terrible to recount, while also longing for the days when Johnny Damon would do commercials with George Brett. I'm glad that there's a new crop of potential stars to hang my playoffs hopes on.

REPORT: MLB Preparing to Suspend Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, Others in Biogenesis Scandal

Michael Engel

Los Angeles Angels’ Mike Trout Hits For First Cycle of 2013

Michael Engel

MLB Opening Day 2013: Stars Come Out on Opening Day

Michael Engel

2012 Season Review Series: Kansas City Royals

Michael Engel

Safety In Numbers: The Wonder Year

Michael Engel

Safety In Numbers: Platoon Splits

Michael Engel

Safety In Numbers: ISO Outliers

Michael Engel

Safety In Numbers: Now You’re Playing With (Isolated) Power

Michael Engel

Storytime: Ball Four by Jim Bouton

Michael Engel